Resident Engagement Coordinator, RuralEdge/VHCB [United States]

Gain valuable skills and experience while serving low income Vermonters living in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont. By serving as the Resident Engagement Coordinator, you’ll gain valuable skills, exposure to leaders in the field, and experience that will strengthen your resume. RuralEdge is a non-profit affordable housing and community development corporation that has served the Northeast Kingdom for over 30 years. Our mission is to strengthen Northeast Kingdom communities, one home at a time. We are a chartered Neighborworks Member, and a participant in their Community Building & Engagement (CB&E) program. Following their model, the goal of CB&E efforts is to develop skilled, engaged resident leaders, support resident-driven groups, and facilitate community building activities. RuralEdge is about more than just housing people; once a tenant is in our property, we seek to provide everything that the individual or family needs to thrive! Service will primarily be performed in properties that have an office available, but will also require travel to and from properties and working directly with residents, and as such may require time spent outdoors and/or physical labor. Office hours are Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. However, as this position requires direct contact with residents, hours will vary based on resident need. As such, this position will require serving the occasional night and/or weekend. Position begins September 11, 2023 and ends August 9, 2024. This position is Full Time: Requires 1,720 hours for an average of 40 hours per week for 47 weeks. Member will receive a living allowance of $25,500 (pre-tax), and an education award of $6,895 (pre-tax) upon successful completion of service. Other benefits include health insurance, federal school loan forbearance, and various training and networking opportunities. Full position description at


Member Duties : • Conduct regularly scheduled community meetings at properties and conduct follow-up to ensure that Property Management and Resident Service staff provide adequate service to residents. The member will also utilize these meetings to develop programming tailored to the specific community. • Maintain regular hours at larger housing developments, offering community building events and providing service coordination services to residents. • Organize and help maintain all community gardens. • Assist in the organization and operation of the Community Leadership Institute (CLI) through Neighborworks, if applicable. • Conduct resident surveys throughout the course of the AmeriCorps term. • Represent RuralEdge at community partner meetings as needed. • Participate in all VHCB AmeriCorps Trainings, Service Days, Events, and Program Initiatives. • Engage in professional and personal development activities and networking opportunities.

Program Benefits : Living Allowance , Education award upon successful completion of service , Health Coverage , Childcare assistance if eligible , Training .

Terms :
Car recommended , Permits attendance at school during off hours , Permits working at another job during off hours .

Service Areas :
Children/Youth , Community Outreach , Housing , Community and Economic Development , Hunger , Health , Homelessness , Elder Care , Neighborhood Revitalization , Public Safety , Veterans .

Skills :
General Skills , Community Organization , Social Services .


Program Type:

AmeriCorps State / National


Resident Engagement Coordinator, RuralEdge/VHCB

Program Start/End Date

09/11/2023 - 08/09/2024

Work Schedule
Full Time

Education level

High school diploma/GED

Age Requirement

Minimum: 17 Maximum: 99

Program Locations

Accepting Applications

From 05/24/2023 To 08/04/2023

Robert Little

48 Elm St

Lyndonville VT 05851


Listing ID




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